James Camp, NP, LLC

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder services offered in Louisville, CO

The intense mood swings of bipolar disorder can be debilitating and put a strain on your relationships, career, and academic success. At James Camp, NP, LLC, diagnostic evaluations are available in-office and through telehealth for adults and adolescents aged 13 and up who experience extreme mood swings. As an experienced psychiatric nurse practitioner, James designs a care plan to stabilize your moods and optimize your overall wellness. He focuses on lifestyle changes, therapy, and medications to help you feel like yourself again. Call the Louisville, Colorado, office today to schedule a bipolar disorder consultation or book an appointment online.

Bipolar Disorder Q & A

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a serious disorder that causes extreme changes in mood, which can shift from extreme highs (mania) to extreme lows (depression) that alter how you feel, think, and act.

Risk factors for bipolar disorder can include having a family history of the condition and changes in brain chemistry. You may also be at increased risk for bipolar disorder if you’re under intense stress or experience physical or emotional trauma.

James Camp, NP, LLC, provides compassionate care for adolescents and adults with bipolar disorder.

As an experienced psychiatric nurse practitioner, James understands how symptoms of bipolar disorder can affect your success at school, work, and home. He designs a treatment plan to stabilize your mood so you can enjoy a higher quality of life.

When should I schedule a bipolar disorder evaluation?

Schedule an evaluation at James Camp, NP, LLC, if you or your child has symptoms of bipolar disorder. Symptoms vary based on the type of disorder you have and can include:

Bipolar I disorder

Bipolar I disorder causes manic episodes that last at least seven days and can be severe enough to make taking care of yourself difficult.  Depressive episodes that last two weeks typically follow manic episodes and include persistent feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and worthlessness.

Bipolar II disorder

Bipolar II disorder involves depressive episodes followed by episodes of hypomania, a less severe form of mania.

Cyclothymic disorder

Cyclothymic disorder causes a mix of hypomanic and depressive symptoms that don’t last as long and aren’t as severe as bipolar I and II disorders.

James evaluates your symptoms and their impact on your life. He may also request blood tests to rule out underlying medical issues that contribute to mood swings.

How is bipolar disorder treated?

You may need prescription mood stabilizers to prevent extreme mood swings. James Camp, NP, LLC, provides prescription medicines as well as medication management to ensure the drugs are working well. He can also adjust the dosage you take to maximize symptom relief.

Other bipolar disorder treatments include:

  • Psychotherapy
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Diet improvements
  • Daily exercise
  • Stress reduction techniques

Because bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition, James continues to work closely with you during routine follow-up visits to keep your symptoms well-managed.

Call James Camp, NP, LLC, today to schedule a diagnostic evaluation for bipolar disorder symptoms for yourself or your child. You can also book a consultation online.

Medication Management
Medication Management


Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder



