James Camp, NP, LLC



ADHD services offered in Louisville, CO

If the lack of focus that attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) causes negatively affects your quality of life, you can find the help you need at James Camp, NP, LLC. Highly skilled psychiatric nurse practitioner James Camp, NP, specializes in the ongoing management of ADHD in adults and adolescents aged 13 and up in-office and through telehealth. James focuses on lifestyle changes and therapy to help you stay in control of ADHD symptoms. He can also prescribe and manage medications that provide lasting symptom relief. Call the Louisville, Colorado, office today to schedule an ADHD evaluation or book an appointment online.


What is ADHD?

ADHD affects the concentration abilities and behaviors of children and adults. This neurodevelopmental disorder often develops during childhood, and its symptoms can persist into adulthood, which may interfere with success at work, school, and in relationships.

Hallmark symptoms of ADHD include difficulties paying attention and controlling impulsive, overactive behaviors.

James Camp, NP, LLC, provides integrative care for adolescents and adults with ADHD. As an experienced nurse practitioner, James offers therapy and recommends strategies you can use to better manage ADHD symptoms.

He can also prescribe and manage medications to improve your focus and control impulsive behaviors.

When should I schedule an evaluation for ADHD?

Schedule an ADHD screening for yourself or your child if ADHD symptoms contribute to frustrations at school or work or difficulties at home.

ADHD symptoms may be more severe in children than adults and include:

  • Excessive talking
  • Frequent daydreaming
  • Fidgeting and restlessness
  • Making careless mistakes
  • Disorganization at home or school
  • Inability to sit still for any period of time
  • Issues with taking turns or waiting in a line

James screens for ADHD by asking detailed questions about you or your child’s symptoms. He can also assess your overall mental health to identify depression, anxiety, and other issues that can occur along with ADHD.

You might also need bloodwork or other diagnostic tests to rule out medical conditions that can affect behavior and focus.

How is ADHD treated?

With the proper treatment plan, ADHD symptoms are manageable. James Camp, NP, LLC, provides personalized care plans to lessen the severity of your symptoms, so you can live a high-quality life.

Lifestyle changes are often an effective management tool for ADHD. James can recommend diet improvements you can make to support your overall health and exercises that help you or your child burn off excess energy. Other changes include limiting the use of electronics and following a healthy sleep schedule.

When lifestyle adjustments aren’t enough, James offers therapy to help you cope with ADHD symptoms. He can also prescribe medications that enhance your ability to concentrate and calm hyperactive behaviors. He also provides medication management to supervise your use of ADHD medicines and ensure they are working well.

Call James Camp, NP, LLC, today to schedule an ADHD evaluation or book an appointment online.

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